8 of the Best Tools for Booking Cheap Travel

    Travel is one of the great pleasures of life—but it can be extremely expensive. Luckily there are many websites that allow you to save some serious cash on your next trip. Whether you use a rewards credit card, a last-minute hotel booking service, or stay for free...

    5 Ways to Get More Vacation Out of a Layover

    Layovers do not have to suck. There’s no need to wait around the airport nibbling on a fifteen-dollar cardboard sandwich. Do layovers the right way, and you can use them to get even more out of your vacation. You could visit an extra city, see extra sights....

    Save Money at the Airport

    So you’ve made it past the long lines, your bags are checked and your flight doesn’t board for another half hour. Suddenly, a low rumbling comes from your stomach: you’re hungry, and a Terminal B Starbucks bagel doesn’t sound half bad. I just...